Our Dad Shows Us How To Boost The Immune System!

Shots. Shots. Shots. Everybody…. That’s right. It’s time for a round of shots. Except today, we are holding on the tequila and going extra on the lime and adding a splash of garlic. ?

Here’s the recipe to my Dad’s secret Immune Booster shot. We’ve been taking EVERY morning to stay healthy while stuck in quarantine. (And well, because, we still do everything our parents tell us to. ?) #listentoyourparents #stayhealty

You’re gonna need: 

  1. Garlic
  2. Lime
  3. Salt

Take a spoon and grind up a clove of garlic. Then squeeze some lime on it, add some salt, then a little bit more lime, and BAM – you’re done! Take this every day BEFORE you eat or drink anything to give your immune system a lil’ boost! Shout out to Dad for this round of shots!